International Mini-Workshop on Heavy-Ion Collisions and Phase Structure of Nuclear Matter

Saturday, 22 July 2023 - 08:30
Jiangwan Campus (HIRG conference room)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
22 Jul 2023
08:30 Opening - Prof. Qiang Zhao Prof. Yu-Gang Ma   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
09:00 Reflections on Works with Chinese Aggies - Prof. Che-Ming Ko (Texas A&M University)   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
09:40 Trace baryon number transport and fluctuation - Prof. Zhang-Bu Xu   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
10:05 --- Photo/Break ---
10:35 Semi-analytical calculation of densities and trajectory of nuclear collisions - Prof. Zi-Wei Lin   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
11:00 Vector meson global spin alignment in heavy-ion collisions - Prof. Jin-Hui Chen   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
11:25 Constraining QGP properties using heavy quarks - Prof. Shan-Shan Cao   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
11:50 Medium effects on pion production in intermediate-energy heavy -ion collisions - Prof. Zhen Zhang   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
14:00 Rendezvous with the QGP: Jet Observables - Prof. Ben-Wei Zhang   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
14:25 2D jet tomography and asymmetric jet shape - Prof. Han-Zhong Zhang   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
14:50 Partonic critical opalescence and its effect on jet quenching - Prof. Feng Li   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
15:15 Tensor Polarization and Spectral Properties of Vector Meson in QCD Medium - Prof. Shuai Liu   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
15:40 --- Break ---
16:00 Heavy quark thermalization in a stochastic Schrödinger equation approach - Prof. Xing-Bo Zhao   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
16:25 Bottom hadro-chemistry in high-energy hadronic collisions - Prof. Min He   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
16:50 Probing the electromagnetic fields in AA and pA systems - Prof. Yi-Feng Sun   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)
17:15 Theoretical Progress in High-energy Heavy-ion Collisions at Fudan   (X1-5-B5009 - HIRG conference room)