
Recent results from the ATLAS experiment at the LHC (I)

by Prof. Lei Zhang (Nanjing University)

Room 203 (西北小楼会议室)

ATLAS experiment is one of the two general purpose experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). By the end of 2018, ATLAS experiment has collected 140fb-1 data at sqrt(s) =13 TeV. In this talk, I will introduce the ATLAS experiment and review the latest results from ATLAS experiment, including Higgs physics, electroweak bosons physics and top quark physics.


About speaker
Lei Zhang got his PhD from Nanjing University on BEPCII-BESIII experiment at 2011. After that, he worked on ATLAS experiment as a postdoc researcher at Academia Sinica (Taiwan) and later at University of Freiburg (Germany). From 2018, he joined in the school of physics in Nanjing University as a full professor. Lei Zhang’s research interests cover Higgs physics, BSM physics search and hadron physics. He has made a significant contribution to the discovery of the Higgs to bottom quark Yukawa coupling which is the selected as the highlight of the 2018 by APS. He and his group is playing an important role on the tau lepton physics program at ATLAS, e.g. precise measurement on Higgs to tau lepton Yukawa coupling, searching for extra Higgs bosons in di-tau final states, etc.